If you have a child graduating from high school or college and entering the workforce, they may have the opportunity to open up a 401(k) through their new employer. In some cases, that employer will also offer matching contribution funds up to a certain percentage. While it sounds like a no-brainer to take advantage of these benefits early, less than one-third of employees ages 25 and younger participate in their employer’s 401(k) plan. It’s essential...
From retirement savings to living abroad, here are some of our commonly asked questions.
Car ownership is necessary for many of us to get around, especially for those who live far from public transportation. While you may choose to drive something practical for your everyday commute, errands and travel, you probably have dreams of driving a car that’s fun, sporty and luxurious. Owning an expensive luxury or exotic vehicle may seem out of reach, but there are financial options available to make your dream a reality. Here are some...
A clear understanding of what wealth looks like to you may help you build a financial strategy.
If you and your spouse are making plans to retire, you’re probably wondering whether it’s a good idea to retire at the same time. Many couples go through the same thought process and, in fact, one in four couples quit their jobs within a year of each other. But retirement is a decision that should be carefully thought out. Here are some things to consider when deciding whether to retire at the same time as...
If you’re in your 50s and haven’t done much to save for retirement, you still have time.
If you’re over the age of 62 and in need of some extra cash flow in your retirement, you may be considering a reverse mortgage. Borrowing money from your home equity might sound like a good idea, but is it actually a wise move financially? Here are some things to consider when making the decision to take out a reverse mortgage on your home.
Relationships can be filled with tricky financial situations. Here are some tips on navigating money management as a team.
No matter how you invest, you may have biases that are impacting your decisions. Are you affected by one of these common biases?
What exactly is dollar-cost averaging? And how can reverse dollar-cost averaging be risky to those who live on a fixed income?
Nearing retirement age and looking to reduce your expenses? Moving to a smaller home may help you save.
A clear investment philosophy may help you stay focused on your goals, even in times of uncertainty.